Social Security Benefits

I disagree. This video proves a point.

Great Video on the Cost of Aging

The Prospect of Loneliness

Life expectancy rates are increasing; encore careers are booming; and there is a wealth of information on how adults can lead safer, healthier and more financially secure lives.

But what if our plans to live longer, better lives are missing something significant: the prospect of loneliness?

Our companion care services are a great solution to a loved one who is lonely…

5 Things most forgotten in Wills


I recently came across an article that detailed the following as the most forgotten items when it comes to completing a will.  I have listed them below…

  1. digital assets such as websites, domain names, online accounts, etc.  all of these have economical value.
  2. pet arrangements
  3. personal property arrangements such as a dear or favorite watch or item of clothing
  4. trustee/guardian use for when minors receive inheritance
  5. having an alternative beneficiary

Check our resource tab for a 14 point checklist to review when completing your estate planning.