Speaking to Someone with Dementia


What Seniors Need From Doctors


Notes on COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


COPD has the main symptom of difficult breathing due to lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.  This is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States.  However, COPD is highly preventable and there are treatments available.

The biggest factor with COPD is smoking.  STOP SMOKING!  5 in 6 who smoke have COPD and COPD causes 9 in 10 deaths.  Age 40 is often the onset for COPD and the disease tends to be more prominent in women.

COPD ultimately leads to an individual becoming inactive due to fatigue and shortness of breath.  This becomes a major cause for disability.

Those with COPD have lung diseases such as bronchitis and emphysema.

Those 55 and older are encouraged to get flu and pneumonia vaccines.

We often do not acknowledge, that caregiving sometimes may not be an option


Care giving sometimes may not be an option due to time, distance, lack of knowledge or ability, etc.  However, this is a time where our care consulting services are of great benefit.  66 million Americans are providing 25 hours of care giving to a loved on per week.  This is really equivalent to a part-time job.  This work is unpaid.  Females out number male caregivers two to one.  The average age of a caregiver is 48.  We often do not want to acknowledge the fact that care giving may not be an option.  We simply may not have the resources to manage the care of a loved one.  There are many options of consumer director services and home health options to assist with the care giving of a loved one.  We understand that those who may not be able to provide care may experience a negative feeling.  Almost a feeling of guilt for not being able to take care of a loved one.  Be we also can not forget that we must take care of ourselves and provide support to our loved ones and in  some cases, the care we can provide and the care we want to provide are two completely different things.  I encourage you to check our resources and services if you are worried about an aging loved one.

Signs of Dementia
