We are Most Likely to Retire Early Due to an Age Related Decline in Our Ability


Why do some Americans retire early, some late and some penny-less? 

Reasons why some say people retire early is due to:

Changes in Health:

Examples: Those who face a health shock may retire with insurance and benefits, while others may have to wait until their Medicare or benefits become available.

Employment Changes:

Examples: Shifting employers, loosing a job or business closings.

Familial Changes:

Examples: Spouses retirement, changes in marital status, resident child leaving the home.

When planning for retirement we often underestimate the amount of decline in ability that we may have.  Along with the above reasons for early retirement you can even consider a dislike for a job, divorce, elderly parents needing care and a need to spend time with grandkids.

It seems like most people who retire early do not anticipate it – this also shows that they were bad at planning.

We are more likely to retire early due to age-related declines in our abilities

Self sufficiency is the best gift we can give ourselves.

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