Don’t Expect Your Children to Take Care of You

I read an article last night titled “Don’t Expect Your Children To Take Care Of You”.  The first few sentences were shocking as a social worker made the comment that

Many parents expect kids to take care of them, but many do not.

As I contemplated that statement more, it began to make more sense.  One, when we do not plan for ourselves considering healthcare, finances, etc.  – how do we let others know how to take care of ourselves?  How does one know what we want when we have never had that “end of life” or even just declining ability discussion?  Two, nowadays, care giving is done from a distance.  Families are so spread out.  Do you think that someone would not hold the burden of care giving as resentment if it was the reason they had to change the life they had of their own?

I would love to hear how others feel about the statement – don’t expect your children to take care of you…

Is it your child’s responsibility to care for you?

do you expect your child to take care of you?

Would you be ok with your child not taking care of you?

What would be considered “enough” (as to not face caregiver stress) – for your child not to take care of you?

Please leave your comments below.

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